CoMmunion health center & pharmacy
Dr. Esly & Dr. Sandy Fuentes re-opened and established the clinic and pharmacy in the village of la Biznaga in 2011 after graduating from medical school. Due to the need, they also opened clinics & pharmacies in the villages of Mesa de las Tablas and San Antonio. This ministry provides healthcare that people in nearby villages can not afford elsewhere.
Today the Doctors' vision for a hospital in this community is becoming reality. They broke ground in June 2017 for what will be the first hospital in the county. A hospital means they will be able to provide more advanced services and continue to spread the love of Christ to all who enter the doors.
The hospital has the foundation, walls, rough-in's for plumbing and electrical, and poured concrete floors. The roofing construction is being completed and sealed. Once the roof is sealed the finishing begins with final coating on the walls and ceilings, tiling the floors, installation of the doors and windows, and of course, installation of the plumbing and electrical fixtures. Would you please prayerfully consider being a part of the amazing ministry through your prayers and financial contribution. Your generosity will literally save lives!

I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’
Matthew 25:36

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2